
Hi. I'm Manoj Kumar 🤟


Short Bio

I'm a Software Engineer and Data Enthusiast based in Tamilnadu, India. I'm passionate about building impactful and innovative tech solutions and leveraging data to drive impactful solutions and making a difference through innovative tech. I'm a big advocate of open source software, and almost everything I build is open source! I love educating others about technology and programming. Let's connect and collaborate to push the boundaries of what's possible with data and tech!

Work Experience

FEB 23 - JUN 23 . JAN 24 - MAY 24

Software Developer Intern

Innomatics Research Labs

Developed and deployed machine learning models for diverse case studies, including Dominos Delivery and ML Test Scores. Specializing in nearest pub prediction and laptop price prediction models, showcasing proficiency in predictive analytics. Utilized Flask Frameworks and Streamlit to create web applications for interactive data exploration and model deployment.

FEB 23 - MAR 23

Data Science Intern

CodeClause Pvt Ltd

Conducted EDA on Uber data, extracting valuable insights into Uber drives and revenue. Utilized advanced statistical techniques to uncover patterns and trends, contributing to data-driven decision-making within the Uber domain. I led a machine learning project focused on predicting loan approval based on customer CIBIL scores, optimizing the model for accurate outcomes.

JAN 23 - FEB 23

Business Analyst

The Sparks Foundation

Developed and implemented a machine learning model for accurate car price prediction, utilizing key parameters. Investigated COVID-19's impact on unemployment in India through data analysis, producing a comprehensive report with actionable insights.


Founder & Software Developer


A dynamic startup offering web development, design, logo creation, and data analytics services, while also providing immersive virtual internship programs for students.

Let's Connect

I'm excited to connect with others via Linkedin and mail to chat about projects and ideas. Currently, I am open to hearing about potential opportunities, discussing them with you and then potentially collaborating if it's a good fit.